LEAGUE UPDATE - 29th March 2021

Today sees a welcome return for grassroots football.

Sunday 4th April sees a full league programme. We had only 5 clubs deciding not to continue with the remainder of the season.

Some updates for you as follows:


As a reminder the League decided to continue the season and see it to a finish whereby we can declare League/Cup winners etc.

All teams to have played every other team within their division once.

Fixtures have been set where we believe the Home team has a pitch available. Where one is not available either team needs to find a pitch albeit with a later kick off if need be.

With the exception of a couple of fixtures, all scheduled matches are on Mitoo.

If both teams agree to an early or later kick off please let me know so that I can update the website.

All Semi Finals for the Cups will be on 9th May onwards.

Cup Finals are likely to be end May/early June.


Some clubs have lost their pitches for the remainder of the season.

The League Management Committee have decided ALL pitch and referee costs are to be split equally between both clubs with the Home team paying the Referee.

Player Registrations The registration deadline was the 9th March.

There were 2 reasons for this:

The FA were changing the registration process taking it away from Whole Game System and launching a new online portal. 

For the integrity of our league we didn't want to see see an influx of step 4/5 non league players looking for a game of football when they havnt played Sunday football all season.

The new online registration portal involves many changes to the registration process which we as a league are not ready to roll out yet.

Next season we are moving across to FA Full Time where the Registration process will be a lot smoother. More to come.

Under Phase 1 on the gradual easing on lockdowns a reminder NO spectators are permitted to leave attend football matches.

So for the next 2 weeks no spectators should be in attendance.


I have now set up our new League twitter account @LDistrictSunday. Please follow and spread the word to all your players to get the latest updates from the league.

Finally, we understand its been a very tough time. Many players will have become anxious, concerned about their mental health etc. Surrey FA saw a large increase in dismissals in the first part of the season. Keep an eye on your players, discuss issues between you as a team. There is plenty of help for players if they need it. Make your training sessions fun and help each other as a team.

I wish you all good luck for the remainder of the season.



Hon Fixtures Secretary